Hello Guys, have you ever searched anything in Google Chrome in Incognito mode and felt that you did not get anything from the history?But the truth is that even in incognito mode, Google saves your browsing history.

So how do we find out which of our browsing history has been saved by Google even in Incognito mode and how do we delete it?
Steps to find and delete Google Chrome Incognito Mode History.
- First of all you have to open your Chrome browser.
- You have to copy the below text and paste it there on Chrome browser.
- Text : Chrome://net-internals/#dns
- After this you have to click on the search button.
- After clicking on the search button, you will get an interface like this.
- After this you will get the option to search your history by domain name. You can search your history by domain name.
- Click the Clear Host Catch button to delete all your history.
- Congrats🎉 , all your history got deleted with incognito mod.

It is important for everyone to maintain privacy.That is why it is very important that we take full care of our privacy and delete our search history even in incognito mode.